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Local products

  • L'Odacieux : L'Odacieux is an organic blond beer brewed in Sainte-Ode by the Demanez de Magerotte brewery. This is a light, refreshing but distinctive beer. This is the official beer of the commune of Sainte-Ode and the Syndicat d'Initiative. It is sold in local shops and offered in most HORECA establishments in the town.

  • Brewery Ask  : Like its brewer, the BR is a round and smooth beer. Graduating 6.2°, the bitterness of the blond BR is light and it will please many palates. Brewed with the best malts and noble hops, it is certified organic. Why BR? Converted from the financial sector, Sébastien wanted to keep track of his past. BR could have meant many things: Regional Beer, Belle Robe, etc. But Sébastien Demanez is a Repentant Banker and a Happy Brewer!
    Since the BR blond, several other beers have come to expand the range: BR triple, BR fruity, BR white and Barrel Reserve.
      It is also Sébastien who directed "L'Odacieuse" for the SI Sainte-Ode.

  • " La ferme d'antan " in Magerotte: Audrey and Patrick offer you cheeses made from raw goat's milk or raw cow's milk. At the Ferme d'Antan, you will find plain or spicy maquée, bloomy rind cheeses as well as fresh cheeses available in different authentic flavors: plain, garlic & fine herbs, shallots, ginger, black pepper, mixed peppers. The farm of yesteryear also makes cow and goat yogurts. A local produce store is also located in an outbuilding of the farm. You will find a wide choice of products from the region.

  • Daffodil Cuvée  : A 6.5° amber beer, packaged in 33 cl and 75 cl bottles. Manufactured for IS Sainte-Ode. Product of the Pays de Bastogne, this artisanal beer is brewed by the Brasserie Saint-Monon in Ambly.

  • Vach'Hot  : Pleasure beer from the village of Lavacherie.

  • Sainte-Ode sausages  : Many kinds of sausage, pure pork, with pepper, with 13 aromatic herbs, with whisky, etc. Manufactured by Claude Ligot Butcher. Church Street, 18 - 6681 LAVACHERIE -  +32(0)61/ 68 80 19

  • Tomme cheese and Houmont meatball  : Cheese made with cow's milk according to the Steiner method – organic cheese. Made by the Keirse family farm.

Cottage At The House of Ode
Amberloup - Sainte-Ode
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